
  • 1Ziyoda Mukhamedova, 2Diyor Boboev 1-DSc., Professor, Department of Transport and cargo systems, the Faculty of Transportation system management, Tashkent State Transport University, Uzbekistan, Tashkent Corresponding Author, E-mail: 2-Assistant, Department of Transport and cargo systems, the Faculty of Transportation system management, Tashkent State Transport University, Uzbekistan, Tashkent Corresponding Author, E-mail:


The management of intermodal transportation is a complex and responsible process. Rail transport is traditionally used in the implementation of international and intercontinental piggyback transportation. The task of rail transport is to provide transportation over the so-called "land bridges" - land sections on which the route begins and ends, or through which it transits. Despite a significant level of computerization and informatization, the level of delays in the delivery of goods in the field of piggyback intermodal transportation is not decreasing. The unsatisfactory speed of piggyback trains is a significant factor in these delays. This problem is of common nature, and not faced by intermodal operators operating only in the Siberian and Eurasian continental land bridges, which pass through the territory of Russia and Kazakhstan, respectively, and deliver goods from Japan. It also applies to the American and Canadian land bridges, through which Japanese goods reach consumers in the United States and Canada, and through the ports of Germany and the Netherlands - to consumers in Western Europe. This situation has developed due to the lack of effective approaches to building management systems that would demonstrate a high level of efficiency in the face of uncertainty, which is a natural component of the transportation process. The article is devoted to the correlation analysis of factors affecting the cargo turnover of piggyback transportation in the Republic of Uzbekistan. The main factors affecting the cargo turnover of piggyback transportation were identified; the degree of the effect was established by statistical methods. Based on data obtained for the last ten years, a correlation matrix and a regression model of cargo turnover were built. The results obtained make it possible to build forecasts for the cargo turnover of piggyback transportation from two to four years with a 95% confidence interval.

Keywords: multimodal transportation, factor analysis, regression model


Annual reports of Uzbekistan Temir Yollari JSC, URL: access date 12.12.2022.

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