
  • SamDCHTI 2-bosqich talabasi Nizomova Aziza Husniddin qizi Ilmiy raxbar: Sh.O.Mamayoqubova


Speech is used in the processes of expression and exchange of ideas, language is a form of living as a separate type of social activity. Speech has an individual and unique character in each person. Culture is a certain level of historical development of society, human creative power and abilities. It is expressed in various aspects of people's lives and activities, as well as in the material and spiritual wealth they create. Speech and culture combine to create "speech culture". The culture of speech is a social phenomenon, it develops in an integral connection with the development of society, science and technology, cultural and literary life. In the development of speech culture, literature, art, radio, television and periodical press play a big role. Knowledge and cultural level of society members as he grows up, his speech becomes polished and refined, leading to the formation of a literary language. Literary language is a reworked and standardized language form of a particular national language, which serves the cultural needs of the people who speak this language and is understandable to all representatives of the dialect. Literary language is taken from dialects and processed, creating its own standards and criteria. Norms play an important role in the use of language, just as norms are important in any type of activity. It defines limits and possibilities when using language. This article talks about speech culture and norms of literary language.‌‌



Raupova Laylo, Nutq madaniyati /darslik/Toshkent: “INNOVATSIYA-ZIYO”, 2019.

A.J.Omonturdiyev, SH.I.Abduraimova, O'zbek nutq madaniyati uslubiyati.

Sh.O.Mamayoqubova. “Pedagogical conditions of professional development of higher Educational establishment teacher” Xalqaro so’z san’ati jurnali. ISSN 2181-9297Doi Journal 10.26739/2181-9297. 2022 5 son, 48 p






How to Cite

SamDCHTI 2-bosqich talabasi Nizomova Aziza Husniddin qizi Ilmiy raxbar: Sh.O.Mamayoqubova. (2023). NUTQ MADANIYATI VA ADABIY TIL ME’YORLARI. ZAMONAVIY TA’LIMDA FAN VA INNOVATSION TADQIQOTLAR, 1(4). Retrieved from